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Search for the Newborn Sun King




Old Sun King

Elemental Representatives

Earth – North

Air – East

Fire – South

Water – West


Promise Bringer

Seekers (five or more)

[Promise Bringer - Addressing Seekers]

The Old Sun King has summoned you from the far reaches of the globe so that he might bestow upon you one last message. You have heard the call and responded.

[Old Sun King - Addressing all]

My children, I have called you all together so that I may impart one last message before I pass away with the ending of the year.

[Seeker 1 Addressing Old Sun King]

No our King! Tell us it isn’t so. Tell us that you are not dying.

[Old Sun King - Addressing all]

It is true, as the year draws to an end my power wanes and the life within my body ebbs away. Just as my strength and power grew for the first half of the year balance had to be maintained and so after mid summer’s eve my strength and power slowly began to fade. I am but a mere shadow of my former self and before this day passes I too shall pass.

But I called you all together to give you one last message. Do not worry for a new Sun King is waiting to take my place and guide you during the year to come. You must go, seek him out and bring him back here.

Time grows short and as the last rays of sun touch the land my time is ended. Farwell my children.

[Seeker 1 - Addressing other seekers]

O’ woe be unto us.

We have entered into a time of cold and death, loneliness and sorrow.

The old Sun King has passed away, the Sun no longer holds sway in the sky.

What shall we do? Where shall we go? Will there never be an end to the night that envelops the land?

[Promise Keeper - Addressing seekers in a strong voice and forceful motion]


Do not despair!

The light does fail in the sky but tis not the end.

The days grow short and the night grows long. The width and breadth of the land are in the grasp of the cold winter.

But again I say, Do not despair!

For even as I speak a child is coming, a child that brings the promise of new beginnings and the rebirth of the light.

Go forth now and seek the child, return him here to his throne.

[Seeker 2 - Addressing other seekers]

Verily I say that we shall take your words to heart.

We shall seek the child of Light, the newly born Sun King.

[Seeker 3 - Addressing other Seekers]

But where shall we begin the search?

[Seeker 1 - Addressing other Seekers]

Perhaps we should begin our search in the East for did not the sun rise every morning in the East and travel westward across the sky during the day?

[Seeker 2 - Addressing other Seekers]

Yes! That is it! That must be the answer. The new born Sun King must be in the East and thus we shall travel there to find him.

[Seekers – All together]

Out of time and out of space we move ever forward, endless seeking the newborn Sun King.

[All participants move to the East]

[Promise Keeper - Addressing all]

Across the lands towards the East you have traveled. You have passed from the realm of land into the land of Air and have arrived at the Watch Towers of the East.

[Seeker of Air - Addressing Representative of Air]

We have come to the East and call out to the Power of Air.

The day is short and the night is long.

We search for the promise of that which is to come.

We seek the newly born Sun King.

Does he dwell within your land?

[Representative of Air - Addressing Seekers]

I have heard your plea and respond.

You have journeyed far on your quest to find the newborn Sun King. But alas, he does not dwell within this land.

Continue your search.

[Seeker of Air - Addressing Representative of Air]

Oh representative of Air, is there not any help or advice that you can give us to help us on our quest? The time is short and the land is rapidly passing into the never ending night.

[Representative of Air - To all seekers]

This quest is yours and yours alone to undertake. But I do understand your urgency. My brothers have agreed that I may give you this hint to guide you upon your quest. Follow your star to the hidden cave. When you understand you shall find that which you seek.

[Seeker of Air - Addressing Representative of Air]

We hear your words and thank you oh Great Spirit of the East.

We shall see the new born Sun King within the hidden Cave.

[All exit the temple of Air]

[Seeker 4 - Addressing other seekers, puzzled]

What is mean by, “Follow your star to the hidden cave?”

Where exists this hidden cave and what is is meant by “your star”?

[Seeker 1 - Addressing other seekers]

Perhaps our ruling sign is the star we must follower. Therefore I say we head in the direction of Capricorn, my sign.

[Seeker 2 - Addressing other seekers]

But wait, my sign is Taurus. It is toward that constellation we must go.

[Seeker 3 - Addressing other seekers]

I say to thee No! My sign is Virgo and that is the direction our journey must take.

[Seeker of Fire - Addressing other seekers]

Is not the sun a great ball of fire in the heavens, the source of warmth and life?

Surely the answer to what we seek is in the South, the realm of Fire.

Let us seek for the new born Sun King there.

[Seeker of Air - Addressing other seekers]

Yes! My fire brother must speak the truth.

[Seekers - Addressing other seekers]

Out of time and out of space we move ever forward on our quest.

[All participants move to the South]

[Promise Keeper - Addressing seekers]

Your search for the newborn Sun King has continues. You have journeyed from the land of Air across time and space to the land of Fire. But you find the newborn Sun King here?

[Seeker of Fire - Addressing the South]

I stand before the pillars of flame and the Watchtower of the South and call to you.

The chill of Winter engulfs the lands. The Sun has died. Crops no longer grow, animals die and the world is cast into darkness.

As the Sun is a manifestation of Fire we have journeyed here to seek the newborn Sun King.

Does he dwell within this land?

[Representative of Fire - Addressing Seeker of Fire]

Yea seeker, I have heard your plea and I respond to your call.

The one you seek is not within this land and so you must continue your quest.

As my brother, Air, told you, to find the newborn Sun King you must follow the star to the hidden cave. There you will find what you seek.

[Seeker of Fire - Addressing Representative of Fire]

But please wait. You have only told us what your brother said. Can you not give us any more information on where to search?

[Representative of Fire - Addressing Seeker of Fire]

The cave that is hidden is not found outside but buried deep within.

Now go and seek the newborn Sun King, I can tell you no more.

[Seeker of Fire - Addressing Representative of Fire]

Thank you element of Fire.

We have heard your words and will heed your advice.

[All participants exit the temple of Fire]

[Seekers - Addressing each other in unision]

Again we are told to “Seek for the newborn Sun King within the hidden cave.”

And yet, we are no closer to understand.

Whatever does it mean?

Where shall we next look?

[Seeker 4 - Addressing other seekers]

Wait. Did not he who was from the element of Fire not say that the hidden cave is buried deep within? But within what?

[Seeker 5 - Addressing other seekers]

Perhaps the “within” that has been spoken of refers to the depths of the sea … the realm of Water. Would not a cave deep under the ocean be both “within” and “hidden”.

[Seeker of Water - Addressing other seekers]

Yes! That must be the answer.

The newborn Sun King is the embodiment or renewal and rebirth.

Are these not the primary aspects of the element Water?

[Seekers – All]

Out of time and out of space we move ever forward, endless seeking the newborn Sun King.

[All participants move to the West and the temple of Water]

[Promise Keeper - Addressing Seekers]

From the land of Air to the land of Fire and now to the land of Water you have sought the new born Sun King. Will you find the one who you seek here?

[Seeker of Water - Addressing Representative of Water]

We stand before the doors to the great deep, the watchtower of West, element of Water.

The land is in held in the throws of winter.

The sun has died and darkness has taken the world.

Death is all about.

We have come to the West, to the land of rebirth and renewal.

Is the newly born Sun King within your realm?

We must find him and bring him back so that he may restore the world.

[Representative of Water - Addressing Seeker of Water]

I have heard your call through the endless depths and I respond.

The child you seek is not within this realm.

You have visited by brothers in the East and South.

Twice you have been told where to search and twice you have searched in the wrong place.

Follow your star to the hidden cave. That is where you will find the new born Sun King.

[Seeker of Water - Addressing Representative of Water]

Yea, your brothers of Air and Fire have both told us the same thing but we are no closer to understanding what is meant. Three times we have thought we had figured out the location and three times we have failed.

Can you not give us any further aid in our quest?

[Representative of Water - Addressing Seeker of Water]

The quest is yours and yours alone. I cannot tell you where to search. However, I am permitted to give you this piece of advice.

If you follow your current course you will find that the star you follow is far above you.

Now leave this land and continue your search.

I can tell you no more.

[Seeker of Water - Addressing Representative of Water]

We offer our thanks of spirit of Water for the boon you have granted us.

[All participants leave the temple of Water]

[Seeker 5 - Addressing other seekers, upset]

More riddles!

This is ridiculous.

We shall never find the new born Sun King.

Darkness shall have the land and Death will reign supreme.

[Seeker 1 - Addressing other seekers]

Perhaps we should think of this as if we are looking at the world. The representative of Water said that if we follow on our current course we will find the star far above us. What is the highest point on the world?

[Seeker 2 - Addressing other seekers]

It is the North!

That is the highest place on this world.

That must be the answer.

[Seeker of North - Addressing other seekers]

Yes! I do believe that is right. It is well know that the top of the world is to the north and there is naught futher that we can go.

[Seekers – All]

Out of time and out of space we move ever forward, endless seeking the newborn Sun King.

[All participants more to the North]

[Promise Keeper - Addressing seekers]

Through the realms of Air, Fire and Water you have searched for the newborn Sun King.

Your journey has now taken you through the frozen wastes to the North to the highest and most furthest point in the world. Is your quest at an end? Does the end of the world hold that which you seek? Will you find the new born Sun King here?

[Seeker of North - Addressing Representative of North]

We have come to the North and call out to the power of Earth.

The once fertile land lies barren and the fields are without crops.

The life of the land is dying.

We seek the new born Sun King.

Is he within your realm?

[Representative of North - Addressing Seeker of North]

I have monitored your progress, heard your call and I respond.

The one you seek is not within this realm.

Three times you have listened to the words of my brothers and yet each time you have not truly listened to what was said.

Follow your star to the hidden cave … there you will find what you seek.

[Seeker of North - Addressing Representative of North]

Oh mighty element of Earth, we have heard the words from your brothers and each time we thought we had the answer.

Is there not any more help that you can give us?

We ask not just for ourselves but for the entire world.

[Representative of North - Addressing Seeker of North]

The star you follow is your guide and has been with you since before you were born.

You have heard the words but do not comprehend.

Leave this land and continue on your quest for I can tell you no more.

[Seeker of the North - Addressing Representative of North]

We all give thanks to you spirit of the North, element of Earth.

We shall continue to seek the new born Sun King.

[All participants leave the temple of the North, element of Earth]

[Seeker 2 - Addressing other seekers]

We have searched all across the land.

We have been to the four corners of the globe and still we cannot find the new born Sun King.

What are we doing wrong?

[Seeker 4 - Addressing other seekers]

Could it be that we are searching in the wrong plane of existence?

We have been searching as if the new born Sun King was somewhere on the globe.

Is the sun more than just a physical object?

Is it not the source of life?

As such, should we not seek the new born Sun Child on the spiritual plane?

[Seeker of the Goddess - Addressing other seekers]

That must be the answer. The new born Sun King is really in the spiritual realm. Let us go and ask the Mother Goddess if she knows where the new born Sun King resides.

[Seekers – All in unison]

Out of time and out of space we move ever forward, endless seeking the newborn Sun King.

[All participants move to the center of the area]

[Promise Keeper - Addressing seekers]

To the four corners of the globe your search has taken you.

Four times you have sought the new born Sun King and four times you have failed.

The clues are all there for those that have understanding.

Will this be the end of your quest, will you find the new born Sun King here?

[Seeker of the Goddess - Addressing The Goddess]

We come to the center, the beginning of life and call to the Goddess, Gaia, Mother Earth, The Great Mother.

We have searched the four corners of the globe for the new born Sun King.

We have been told repeated to “Follow the star to the hidden cave” and yet we cannot fathom the meaning.

Time grows short; the world is dying without the Sun.

We seek the newly born Sun King.

Is he within your realm?

[Goddess - Addressing all]

My children, I have heard your plea and respond to your call.

You have diligently searched but not in the correct place.

The newly born Sun King is not restricted to one realm but all realms.

The Sun King exists at all times.

As each of your have the spark of life within you, you carry a spark of the Sun King.

The star you follow is your higher self.

The hidden cave you seek is within you, within your heart.

The Sun King is the spark of life within everyone.

Look within yourselves to find the Sun King.

[Seekers in unison - ecstatic]


We have found the new born child.

He is within me at all times, a part of me.

Rejoice and give honor to the Lord of Light, the Sun God, the new King!

Rejoice and give honor to the Gracious Lady, the Goddess!

Rejoice for the promise of a new day is manifest!

Long live the new born Sun King.


I wrote the original version of this Yule Play in 1999 after being inspired by higher forces to portray many aspects of the seasons. At the end of 2004 I rewrote the original play, added more parts and expanded the search. The additional parts allowed me to include more people in the play as well as fill in some pieces that were left out of the original work.

If there are too many parts for the number of participants it is perfectly alright to have people take multiple parts.

During the year there are four major solar events that occur:

  1. Longest Day – Midsummer (approximately June 21)
  2. Shortest Day – Yule/Winter Solstice (Approximately December 21)
  3. Equal day and night – Spring Equinox (Approximately March 21)
  4. Equal day and night – Fall Equinox (Approximately September 21)

Winter Solstice marks a dramatic turning point during the year … the length of the night time slowly begins to decrease while the days grow longer. The days continue to grow in length until Mid-summer when the nights start becoming longer. From midsummer until the end of the year the nights grow longer, the warmth of the sun diminishes until finally the land is swept by cold and echoes of death. By Yule, nearly all plants are dead, the crops have been harvested and the fields lie barren. For those in the northern most parts of the world it is a very bleak time. Yule brings the promise of the return of summer, the return of life to the land. It is a turning point within the year. This turning point is marked with various celebrations. One of the oldest known celebrations at this time of the year was Saturnalia – a Roman festival celebrating the Sun God but its roots are much older. The festival (and those before it) predates the birth of Christ by over 2000 years and may go back as far as 6000 years before that. Central to these celebrations was the concept of death, rebirth and renewal. As the sun moved across the sky during the year it grew in power until mid-summer, and then slowly lost its power until Yule. It was during the festival of Yule that the old Sun died and a new Sun was born.

This play also incorporates some of the basic ideas of Hermetic Philosophy:

  1. We are but a thought in the mind of the all
  2. As above so below as below so above
  3. Everything is in constant motion
  4. Everything is dualistic
  5. Everything is cyclic
  6. Nothing happens without a precipitous event
  7. There is an active and passive aspect to everything.

While we are part of the universe and the universe is part of us, we are neither the universe nor is the universe us. We carry the spark of the universe within us (the newborn Sun King).