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Crystal Reference Page

When I first opened Mystical Treasures Emporium, I had four different crystal refence books on a lecturn near the crystal display.

I got tired of looking through multiple books to find crystal information. I started to collect the information that I felt was most important

and stored them in the program my husband wrote to keep tract of the inventory and sales.

Customers saw the notes, wanted to read them, and get copies. I then started putting the pages into

three ring binder. The first binder was a 1/2 inch, then I switched to a 1 inch, then 2 inch, and it is now up to a 5 inch binder

These pages are a work in progress. Since the notes were for myself, I didn not do a lot of editing on the content.

I decided to make these personal notes available to everyone.

They are a work in progress. I warn everyone reading these, I have a BS in Electrical Engineering, not English.

These pages are not intended to cover everything that every crystal can do. The initial idea was to create short paragraphs on each crystal.

The short paragraphs grew longer as I included more information.

Click on a crystal name for information on the crystal

Abalone Agate Agate_Black Agate_BlueLace
Agate_Botswana Agate_Brown Agate_CrazyLace Agate_Dendridic
Agate_Eyes Agate_Fire Agate_MexicanLace Agate_Moss
Agate_Tree AgatizedFossilCoral Amazonite Amber
Amethyst Amethyst_Cheveron Ametrine Ammonite
Andalusite Angelite ApacheGold ApacheTear
Apatite Apophyllite AquaAura Aquamarine
Aragonite Aragonite_Green Astrophyllite AtlantisStone
Atlantisite Auralite23 Aventurine_Blue Aventurine_Green
Aventurine_Grey Aventurine_Peach Aventurine_Red Aventurine_Yellow(Gold)
Axinite Azurite Barite Basalt
Bloodstone Buddstone Calcite_Amber Calcite_Blue
Calcite_Green Calcite_Honey Calcite_Orange Carnelian
CatsEye Cavansite Celestine Celestite
Chalcedony Chalcedony_Blue Chalcopyrite Chariote
Chiastolite ChineseWritingStone Chrysocolla Chrysoprase
Citrine Cordierite Corundum_Rainbow Cuprite
DalmationCrystal Diopside_BlackStar DophinStone Dumortierite
Emberlite Emerald Epidote FairyCross
Flint Fluorite FoolsGold Fuechsite
Garnet GoldenAzeztulite Goldstone_Blue Goldstone_Green
Goldstone_Red Granite HealersGold Hematite
HematiteRainbow Hemimorphite_Blue Hemimorphite_Pink HerkimerDiamond
Heulandite Heulandite_Green Heulandite_White Hiddenite
Howlite Idocrase IndigoGabbro InfiniteStone
Iolite Jade Jade_Chinese Jade_Nephrite
Jade_White Jasper_Black Jasper_Breciated Jasper_Brown
Jasper_Coffee Jasper_Dalmation Jasper_DesertSunset Jasper_DragonBlood
Jasper_Fancy Jasper_Golden Jasper_Green Jasper_Imperial
Jasper_Kambaba Jasper_LeopardSkin Jasper_Mookaite Jasper_Oribuclar(Ocean)
Jasper_Picture Jasper_Red Jasper_Speckled Jasper_SpiderWeb
Jasper_Starry Jasper_SunStone Jasper_Walnut Jasper_Yellow
Jasper_Zebra Jet K2Crystal Kunzite
Kyanite_Black Kyanite_Blue Kyanite_Green Kyanite_Mystic
KyaniteCrystallineBlueGreen Labradorite LapisLazuli Larimar
Larvikite LavaRock LavenderJade Lazurite
LemurianSeedCrystal LemurianStarCrystals Lepidolite Lodestone
Magnetite Malachite Marcacite Merlinite
Merlinite_Black Merlinite_Mystic Mica_Fuchiste Mica_Seafoam
Miriam Moldavite Mookaite Moonstone
Moonstone_Peach Moonstone_Rainbow Morganite MotherofPearl
Muscovite MysticalMerlinte NantanMeteorite Nephrite
Nuummite Obsidian_Black Obsidian_Blue Obsidian_GoldSheen
Obsidian_Green Obsidian_Mahogany Obsidian_Rainbow Obsidian_Rainbow
Obsidian_Snowflake Obsidian_Strawberry Obsidian_Yellow Onyx_Black
Onyx_Blue Onyx_Green Onyx_Pakistan Onyx_Yellow
Opal Opal_Dendritic Opal_Green Opal_Pink
Opalite Pectolite_Blue Peridot Petalite
PetrifiedWood Phenacite Pietersite Pistacite
Porphyry_Red Prasiolite Prehnite Psilomelane
Pyrite Quartz Quartz_AngelAura Quartz_Aqua
Quartz_Blue Quartz_ChampagneAura Quartz_Clear Quartz_Crackle
Quartz_DarkRainbowAura Quartz_Faden Quartz_Fire Quartz_FlameAura
Quartz_GirasolMoon Quartz_GoldenHealer Quartz_Green Quartz_HematoidFire
Quartz_HimalyanGolden Quartz_Lemurian Quartz_Mystic Quartz_OrangeElestial
Quartz_Peach Quartz_Purple Quartz_RainbowAura Quartz_Rose
Quartz_Rutilated Quartz_Smoky Quartz_SnowyorWhite Quartz_Solar
Quartz_Strawberry Quartz_Tangerine Quartz_TitaniumAura Quartz_Tourmilated
Quartz_Yellow RainbowCalsilica Rhodium Rhodochrosite
Rhodonite Rhyolite Rubellite Ruby
RubyZoisite Rutile Sandstone Sapphire
Sardonyx Scolecite SedonaliteVortexShamanStones Selenite
Selenite_Orange Septarian Seraphinite Serpentine
ShivaLingam Shungite Simbircite Sodalite
SonoranSunrise Spectrolite Stefilia'sStone Stilbite
Stitchtite Stromatolite Sugilite Sunstone
Super7 Tasmanite Tektite Terahertz
TiffanyStone TigerEye_Blue TigerEye_Gold TigerEye_Red
Titanium Topaz Tourmaline_Black Tourmaline_Green
Tourmaline_Pink Tourmaline_Watermelon Turquesite Turquoise
Turquoise_African Turquoise_Yellow Unakite Verdite
Vesonite Vesuvianite Yooperlite Zeolite