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Approximately 4 inch tall, burns about 2.5 hours. Brown

Brown Candle Magick Detail, Influence and Value.

Absorbs: Doubt, indecisiveness, hesitation, idealism, energy robbing, uncertainty, the effects of karma and ego.

Assists with: Animal magick, Capricorns magic workings, concentration, confidence, contact with the spirit world, desire, earth magic, psychic abilities, ESP, fertility of the earth, finding lost items, friendships, powers of concentration, healing, unlocking hidden knowledge, the home, improving powers, increasing enthusiasm, intuition, learning, material prosperity, meditation, obtain desires, power, power over others, powerful healing, protection, protection over pets, psychic manifestations, psychic powers, recognition, recognition in work, soil magic, spiritual development, study, success, spirituality, telepathy, seeing with the third eye, neutralizing the effects of karma and ego, wealth, balance and wisdom.

Attracts: Animals, ancient wisdom, balance, Capricorn potency, contact with the spirit world, Spychic abilities, lost items, hidden knowledge, power, prosperity, manifestations, and soil.

Banishes / Wards off: Doubt, indecisiveness, hesitation, idealism, energy robbing, uncertainty, the effects of karma and ego.

Creates: Potent Capricorn power.

Dissolves: Doubt, indecisiveness, hesitation, idealism, energy robbing, uncertainty, the effects of karma and ego.

Promotes: : Animal magick, Capricorns magic workings, concentration, confidence, contact with the spirit world, desire, earth magic, psychic abilities, ESP, fertility of the earth, finding lost items, friendships, powers of concentration, healing, unlocking hidden knowledge, the home, improving powers, increasing enthusiasm, intuition, learning, material prosperity, meditation, obtain desires, power, power over others, powerful healing, protection, protection over pets, psychic manifestations, psychic powers, recognition, recognition in work, soil magic, spiritual development, study, success, spirituality, telepathy, seeing with the third eye, neutralizing the effects of karma and ego, wealth, balance and wisdom.

Provides: : Animal magick, Capricorns magic workings, concentration, confidence, contact with the spirit world, desire, earth magic, psychic abilities, ESP, fertility of the earth, finding lost items, friendships, powers of concentration, healing, unlocking hidden knowledge, the home, improving powers, increasing enthusiasm, intuition, learning, material prosperity, meditation, obtain desires, power, power over others, powerful healing, protection, protection over pets, psychic manifestations, psychic powers, recognition, recognition in work, soil magic, spiritual development, study, success, spirituality, telepathy, seeing with the third eye, neutralizing the effects of karma and ego, wealth, balance and wisdom.

Represents: Capricorn power, the third eye sight, soil, home and earth.

Item Number: 3730

Price: $0.5

Available: 37