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Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason

Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals by Cassandra Eason

Investigate the healing, magical, and divinatory power of crystals with this fully illustrated guide to 150 of the most potent elements the Earth. From Agate to Zoisite, each crystal entry includes a color photo, description of properties, and listing of associated herbs, oils, incenses, and astrological significance. You will not only learn how to identify crystals, but how to harness their unique powers for decision-making, protection, health, and well-being at home or at the office, with people, plants and animals. Relieve your child earache with rose quartz or rid your workplace of uneasy tension with an amethyst geode tucked away on your desk. Whether you carry a core set of crystals, fashion an amulet for portable empowerment, or whip up a pitcher of crystalline water to replenish your depleted energies, the practical suggestions for incorporating crystals into your life can help you and your loved ones face fears and soothe daily stresses.

Item Number: 3885

Price: $17.95

Available: 1