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Addiction Aid Oil - 1 dram

Addiction Aid Oil - 1 dram

This oil blend is crafted to help that part of a person that does not wish to be addicted to a substance or activity gain sway over the addicted part of the person to help them combat their addiction.

It is a complex blend of essential oils selected for their purported ability to help with different forms of addiction.

Further, several different crystal energies have been added including Auralite 23.

The oil is charged with a host of energies including several forms of Reiki AND has been charged using a energetic tool created to help release the energies tied to many different forms of addiction.

This oil is a booster ... a reminder ... a way to strengthen that part of the person that does not wish to be addicted to a substance, an activity, etc.

As the energetic ties to the addiction are resolved, the user may find it becomes easier to resist the addictive impulses.
It is suggested that a drop be placed on the third eye, temples, heart chakra, crown chakra as soon as the addictive urge begins. It can also be used on affirmations, charms, talismans, etc.

The oil blend works wonderfully with prayers and affirmations such as the Sobriety Prayer.

Obviously, this is not an instant fix or a quick fix. If I could figure out how to make that happen I would do it. The purpose of the oil is to strengthen the person's resolve and give that part of them that does not wish to be addicted to something more strength to combat that part that does like the addiction, to help them resist the urges/cravings. The essential oils used are chose because they may help combat several different types of addiction. The crystal energies were chose for their soothing and supporting qualities as well as the ability to help work on the root of an issue. The energy tool helps to energetically work with about 14 different major types of addiction. And the Reiki energies were selected to help cleanse negative energy, help to heal the roots of the addiction, to provide support, etc. The oil works best when it is used as soon as the first idea of wanting the addictive surface pops into mind.

Item Number: 4548

Price: $8

Available: 99