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Spiritual Cleansing

Spiritual Cleansing

45+ minute long session to cleanse negativity from a person.

You must bring 2 disposable plastic wash basins, two disposable wash cloths, and a garbage bag.

1) Client wipes down head to toe with a specially prepared Holy Water and blessed herbal blend. When the client is finished they will call me back into the room. This will use one basin and towel.
2) Client is smudged using California White Sage
3) Client is brushed down using Florida Water on a whisk broom
4) Client is cleansed by a sprinkling of blessed salt
5) Client is cleansed by the use of incense
6) Client is cleansed by use of light from a candle that charged with energy from the Isle of Avalon
7) Client is cleansed by consecrated water either by mist or sprinkling
8) Client is cleansed by exposure to the light of the DIVINE
9) Client is cleansed by the sound of a blessed singing bowl
10) Client is cleansed by the OM chant
11) Client is cleansed by the OM MANI PADME HUM Chant
12) Client is cleansed by the Usui 2 power symbol
13) Client is cleansed by the deblocking symbol from Rainbor Reiki
14) Client wipes down head to toe with a specially prepared Holy Water and blessed herbal blend
15) Cleansing is sealed with the Holy Fire energy.

Item Number: 4990

Price: $250

Available: 10