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Square Votive - Comforts of Home Cinnamon and Mandarin Orange (CJC)

Square Votive - Comforts of Home Cinnamon and Mandarin Orange (CJC)

This is a two scented candle. The top is scented with mandarin orange. The bottom is scented with cinnamon.

Orange and Cinnamon are both mood elevators. These flavors are both used often in cooking and baking and may bring up treasured memories of Grandma's kitchen or your mother's kitchen.

Cinnamon and Orange are both used in spells of abundance, plenty, money drawing etc.

These scents also have a warm and nurturing side that may help to improve mood.

These candles are hand crafted in the New England area!

Color may vary slightly from batch to batch.

Item Number: 5242

Price: $3.25

Available: 15