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California White Sage 9in

California White Sage 9in

White Sage has been a favored smudging herb for many decades. It grew in popularity during the 60's and 70s. White sage is excellent for cleansing negative energy from a person, object, or area. Light the end of the sage with a lighter, match, candle, etc. until there is a flame. Let it burn 10 to 20 seconds and blow it out. The sage bundle will continue to burn and smoke for some time. Falling bits may burn floor or carpet so be careful. Items can be passed through sage smoke to cleanse them of negative energy. Sage smoke can be used to cleanse a person of negative energy. Sage smoke can be used to cleanse an area, room, house, or property of negative energy. For cleansings spaces, beginning at the most commonly used entry point and go around the area counter clockwise (to the left) until you make 3 complete circuits of the area. If you do not use the entire bundle at one time you can snub it out on the ground, or in sand, or in ash. You could run the end under water to put it out. If you are smudging an area with light colored carpet you may wish to hold something under the smudge to catch the ash.

Item Number: 687

Price: $12.95

Available: 1