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Altar Cloth Pentacle 18x18 Assorted Colors

Altar Cloth Pentacle 18x18 Assorted Colors

18x18, cotton, light weight, made in India, fringed edges, assorted colors (Red, Yellow, Green, Purple)

The pentacle is a pentagram (5 pointed star) within a circle. It represents the five elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit). With the single point up it represents Spirituality governing the four base elements. Inverted it represents the four elements manifest into the physical plane.

This altar cloth has two Celtic knot work borders .. One around the edge, and one around the pentagram. Celtic knots are protective.

Red is the color of power, strength, and immediacy, also transformation.

Yellow is the color of mental workings, inspiration, thought, creativity.

Green is the color of growth, money, healing.

Purple is the color of spirituality, psychic abilities, and royalty.

Item Number: 7075

Price: $7.95

Available: 1