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9 Inch Jumbo Black

9 Inch Jumbo Black

9 inches by 1 1/2 inch diameter. Much used for Hoodoo spell crafting and ritual workings. Because they are large it is easy to carve words, sigils and other magical symbols in the wax.
Burn Time approximately 30 hours.

Black Candle Magick Detail, Influence and Value.

Absorbs: Negativity, binding / banishing attempts against you, hexes and reversing.

Assists with: Banishing, destroying evil / negativity, binding, dissolving negative energies, fertility, healing deadly and powerful illnesses, hex breaking, meditation rituals, protection, repelling, reversing, warding off evil / negativity, uncrossing rituals and obtaining wisdom.

Attracts: The powerful energy from the planet Saturn.

Banishes / Wards off: Evil, hexes and negativity.

Creates: Deflects: Negativity, hexes, evil, and psychic attacks.

Dissolves: Negative energies and hexes, attraction to evil, psychic attacks.

Promotes: Healing and the powerful energy from the planet Saturn.

Provides: Powerful energy from the planet Saturn, protection, powerful healing abilities, fertility, deep meditational state and deflective energies.

Represents: The planet Saturn.

Item Number: 7258

Price: $5.49

Available: 1