The color blue is often associated with communication and the throat chakra. It is very useful in psychic protection. Blue can be associated with inspiration as well as medication. It is often view as a calming color. It is also associated with the sky. In energy healing, pastel blues are wonderful for working with burns or cooling the body. In the Middle East, blue is associated with protection as well as protection from the evil eye (evil gaze). Evil eye pendants will usually have a cobalt blue center.
Blue is also associated with the water and the element of water.
It is connected to the planet Neptune.
When working with a basic color candle, the candle is not focused or purposed when it is purchased. Each color has a variety of magickal attributes associated with it. However, until you set the intention into the basic color then it is just a colored candle. A basic color candle is like flour, or sugar, or milk, in a recipe. By itself, flour is just flour. However, you can use flour to make cakes, to make gravy, to make a batter for frying chicken, and much more.
Measures 2 3/8 inches wide x 8 inches tall and burns for approximately 120 hours. Made of 100% Paraffin Wax with a clean burning lead free cotton wick.