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Quartz Rose and Rhodonite Heart

Quartz Rose and Rhodonite Heart

This is a rose quartz and rhodonite 8mm bead stretch bracelet with a heart. The bracelet has a 7 inch inner circumference. It should be able to stretch up to about 1.4 times that size - about 9.5 inches. Use a piece of string to measure your wrist to make sure the bracelet will fit.

Using Kaleidoscopic Reiki, I have super charged the rose quartz crystals with strong rose quartz energy and the rhodonite crystals with even strong rhodonite energy.

Rose Quartz is a wonderful supportive and nurtring crystal. It is a crystal of friendship, love of self, love of others, romantic love, It also helps with self image and feelings of self worth. Works with the heart chakra.

Rhodonite is excellent for balancing emotions, dealing with past traumatic events, and can help with relationships.

The heart is a traditional symbol of love and support.

Item Number: 7681

Price: $19.95

Available: 1