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Orisha Oshun Macuto Yellow/Gold Blessed By Ifa Priestess

Orisha Oshun Macuto Yellow/Gold Blessed By Ifa Priestess

Oshun is the Orisha of the rivers and of love. Her colors are yellow and gold.

This macuto has been blessed by an Ifa priestess and been charged with the energies of Oshun.

A Macuto is a carried talisman dedicated to a specific Orisha. It consists of a seed been surrounded by beads in colors specific to the Orisha with one or more cowrie shells. These amulets are carried to draw the powers and the abilities of the Orisha as well as to honor the Orisha.

***These items are kept locked away at the direction of Orunla. You must ask for them at the checkout desk or bring one of the item cards.

Item Number: 8038

Price: $24.95

Available: 8