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Green - Pine

Green - Pine

Approximately 4 inch tall, burns about 2.5 hours. Pine Green

Green Candle Magick Detail, Influence and Value.

Absorbs: Greed and jealousy.

Assists with: Abundance, ambition, balance, bountiful harvest, cooperation, employment, fertility, financial success, growth, harmony, healing, health, life, love, luck, marriage, money, nature appreciation, personal goals, physical healing, planets fertility, prosperity, rejuvenation, social delights, stimulating growth, success and the power of the planet Venus.

Attracts: Abundance, ambition, balance, bountiful harvest, cooperation, employment, fertility, financial success, growth, harmony, healing, health, life, love, luck, marriage, money, nature appreciation, personal goals, physical healing, planets fertility, prosperity, rejuvenation, social delights, stimulating growth, success and the power of the planet Venus.

Banishes / Wards off: Greed and jealousy.

Creates: Abundance, ambition, balance, bountiful harvest, cooperation, employment, fertility, financial success, growth, harmony, healing, health, life, love, luck, marriage, money, nature appreciation, personal goals, physical healing, planets fertility, prosperity, rejuvenation, social delights, stimulating growth, success and the power of the planet Venus.

Dissolves: Greed and jealousy.

Promotes: Abundance, ambition, balance, bountiful harvest, cooperation, employment, fertility, financial success, growth, harmony, healing, health, life, love, luck, marriage, money, nature appreciation, personal goals, physical healing, planets fertility, prosperity, rejuvenation, social delights, stimulating growth, success and the power of the planet Venus.

Provides: Abundance, ambition, balance, bountiful harvest, cooperation, employment, fertility, financial success, growth, harmony, healing, health, life, love, luck, marriage, money, nature appreciation, personal goals, physical healing, planets fertility, prosperity, rejuvenation, social delights, stimulating growth, success and the power of the planet Venus.

Represents: Fertility, marriage, and the planet Venus

Item Number: 805

Price: $0.5

Available: 679