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High John Root 8XL

High John Root 8XL

High John Root is mostly found in the South-Western US and Mexico.

The root is a staple of hoodoo, rootwork, conjure and other systems.

Its Latin Name is Ipomoea Jalapa

Often it is carried as a charm or used in a mojo bag/gris gris bag/powerful hand.

It is used in spells of protection, as a good luck charm, to bring success in court cases, to bring justice, to break spells/jixes/curses, to draw love, and more.

There are many legends concerning the origin of the roots power.

One legend says that back when people were stolen from Africa and sold as slaves, one of the Kings of the area allowed himself to be captured and then sold into slavery. He had incredible powers, was extremely wise, and crafty. For many years he constantly protected others and thwarted evil slave owners. Eventually, he was drawn to return to Africa and his people there. Before he left, he picked up the high john root and commanded his powers be granted to the root so that any that used the root in his name would gain access to his cunning, knowledge, wisdom, power, and abilities. Numerous tales exist of people using the roots of all sorts of problems, to escape captivity, to bring justice, luck, protection from all forms of harm, and more.

Item Number: 8904

Price: $43.95

Available: 1