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Blessed Salt by Rev. PhilBear

Blessed Salt by Rev. PhilBear

Ritually blessed salt for protection, blessing, and consecration. Sprinkle in doorways, windows, drains, etc. to help keep negative energy away. This is salt that has been blessed with a lot of different energies and the energies have been harmonized to work together
OM 108 repeated 108 times
OM Mani Padme Hum 108 repeated 108 times
Psalm 23, 108 repeated 108 times
Hail Mary 108 repeated 108 times
Our Father 108 repeated 108 times
Beatitudes 108 repeated 108 times
Full Moon 28 days
Reiki Power Symbol

I realize that some may not be comfortable using one or more energies. Using a special symbol from Kaleidoscopic Reiki, I have added the ability to the Blessed Salt that one or more energies can be removed if the user does not wish an energy to be present. Simply say "Remove " and that energy will be removed from the blessed salt and the remaining energies reharmonized. You can remove multiple energies by just specifying each energy with an "AND" in between each energy name. Once the energy has been removed from the blessed salt it is gone. Blessed Salt is used for getting rid of negative energy, protecting an area/object, or blessing an area/object. The blessed salt is in a resealable bag that is kept inside a silver drawstring bag. This is to keep the salt fresh and prevent spillage if the drawstring bag opens. Silver is a color associated with protection as well as the moon.

Item Number: 8931

Price: $5.95

Available: 9