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Quantum Scalar Energy Pendant Suburst

Quantum Scalar Energy Pendant Suburst

Quantum Scalar Energy Pendants

Quantaum Scalar Energy pendants help to remove energetic debris from the energy field. As this junk is eliminated most people report feeling lighter, happier, like a weight has been lifted off of them. Without the energetic strain on the body the body can devote more of its energy to self healing.

The manufacturer lists the following as possible benefits:

Reduces Inflammation
Prototes unclumping of cells
Enhances circulation
Enhances immune and endocrine systems
Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification
Enhances cellular permeability
Increases energy
Helps to protect DNA from damage
Helps to retard the aging process
Helps to fight cancer cells
Increases focous and concentration
Strenghtens the bioenergetic field (aura) of the body helping to prevent electromagnetic waves from affecting health

Item Number: 9016

Price: $29.95

Available: 13