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Charger Disc Round Malachite Organite

Charger Disc Round Malachite Organite

This is an Orgonite cleansing and charging disc. It is 5.125 inch in diameter.

It has malachite, quartz, shungite, and pyrite chips. There are shavings and spirals of aluminum, copper, brass, and some copper balls.

Malachite is a powerful healing crystal. Quartz is an amplifier crystal. Shungite is wonderful at getting rid of electronic smog. Pyrite is a money drawing crystal.

This disc can be used to cleanse and charge objects such as crystals, keys, jewelry and more. It can also be used to charge beverages such as water, green tea, vegetable juices, just to name a few. It can also be used to cleanse and charge tarot cards or oracle decks.

This gorgeous piece was created by Deidra Norris.

Item Number: 9178

Price: $33.44

Available: 1