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Tiger Eye Gold Chunky Stretch Bracelet

Tiger Eye Gold Chunky Stretch Bracelet

This is a tiger eye tumbled chunky stretch bracelet with a 6.5 inch inner circumference that will stretch to about 1.4 times normal size or up to a 9 inch circumference. You can use a tape measure to determine the circumference of your wrist - just lay the tape measure on the top of your wrist and wrap it around until you get back to the end of the tape measure. Remember that you must also be able to stretch the bracelet over your hand so close your hand like you are trying to get the last chip out of the chip tube and measure the distance around. Stretchy bracelets will only stretch so many times and a limited amount before breaking - just like underwear that is too small.

Tiger Eye is a protective crystal and also aids in money drawing.

Item Number: 9243

Price: $14.95

Available: 6