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Vogel Style Healing Wand - Leopard Skin Jasper 16 Sides

Vogel Style Healing Wand - Leopard Skin Jasper 16 Sides

This is a Leopard Skin J, Vogel Style healing wand. It has all the properties of leopard skin jasper (brown jasper, yellow jasper, picture jasper, and other jaspers). It has 16 sides and is approximately 2.75 inches long.

Vogel Wands are a powerful healing tool excellent for directing energy, removing energy blockages, drawing off negative energy from the body and energy, and much more.

There are two forms now:
True Vogels – Those wands created by Marcel Vogel and a few specially trained students. True Vogel wands are ONLY made from natural quartz. They must be cut by hand, with specific intent, and extreme precision.

Vogel Style Wands – These are cut with similar angles to the ones that Marcel Vogel created but are not made by one of the three people that were trained to make them.

True Vogels are very expensive … ranging from $400 to $30,000.

Vogel Style wands are less expensive. There are slight differences to the energy but unless you are doing extremely precise healing work the differences will not be of major impact.

Energy is projected into the feminine end (wider), amplified within the crystal, and refocused through the smaller end and out through the point.

Marcel Joseph Vogel (April 14, 1917 – February 12, 1991) was a research scientist working at IBM. He was working on the early microchip and semi-conductor projects. There was one room filled with raw quartz. He noticed that what ever mood a person came in that room with was amplified and passed to everyone else. It only happened in the quartz room and he realized it was the quartz crystals amplifying emotions. He was also fascinated with the great pyramid in Egypt and the angles between the base and top. He began to cut crystals with the same angles and created what is known as the Vogel Healing Wand (named after him).

True Vogel wands can only be produced by a few people who were trained by Marcel Vogel:
Drew Tousley of Luminary Studios and taught by Marcel Vogel personally.
Rumi Da (Ron Carson) of VogelCrystals

Item Number: 9304

Price: $39.95

Available: 5