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St. Martin of Porres - 1 dram

St. Martin of Porres - 1 dram

Patron Saint of of Mixed Race, Barbers, Public Health Workers, Innkeepers

Feast day: November 3

Born: December 9, 1579 in Lima, Peru.

Death: 1639

St. Martin de Porres was the illegitimate son of a man from Spain and a freed slave from Panama who was either of African or possibly Native American descent. His father abandoned the family when he was very young leaving the family in deep poverty. After two years in primary school he was apprenticed to a barber/surgeon where he learned how to cut hair and the medical arts.

In Peru at the time, by law, all descendants of Africans or Indians were not permitted to become full members of religious orders. He petitioned the Dominicans of Holy Rosary Priory in Lima to take him as a volunteer. As a volunteer he performed the most menial of tasks in the monastery. He was allowed to wear the habit and live in the monastery. After years of hard work and devotion he moved up in rank and became the church officer in charge of distributing monies to the poor.

He endured much ridicule over being mixed race.

He became he barber and healer of the monastery, worked in the kitchens, did laundry, and cleaned. He was allowed to take holy vows as a member of the Third Order of Saint Dominc by Juan de Lorenzana, prior of the order who chose to disregard the law. Some of the members were not happy that he was allowed to take holy vows.

St. Martin was well known for his unconditional care of ALL people without regard to race or wealth. He would travel to the homes of the sick and the poor to help them.

He spent the majority of his life caring for the sick and poor. Her performed many miracles while alive. After his death the miracles continued. His body was exhumed 25 years after he was buried and his body exhaled a splendid fragrance and was still intact (had not decayed).

St. Martin de Porres was beatified by Pope Gregory XVI on October 29, 1837 and canonized by Pope John XXIII on May 6, 1962.

St. Martin de Porres is called upon for healing, for legal issues, to right injustices done to those of mixed race, and to aid anyone in need.

Item Number: 9382

Price: $7

Available: 95