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HEM OODH Sandalwood 20 Stick

HEM OODH Sandalwood 20 Stick

Use this incense to transform your space into a place of peace, tranquility, and spirituality. Raise the vibrational rate of your space. Calm energies, transform lower vibrational and negative energies.

Oud comes from the wood of the Southeast Asian agar (aquilaria) tree. Oud helps to improve mental clarity, opens the third eye and all of the upper chakras while calming the whole entire spiritual system.

Sandalwood supports the experience of inner unity of mind, body, and spirit; awareness of inner soul life, enhancement of higher consciousness and related creativity, relaxation of the conscious mind, meditation, prayer and spiritual practice, peace, and acceptance.

Item Number: 9384

Price: $2.49

Available: 7