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7 Chakra Crystal Set Floating w/Selenite

7 Chakra Crystal Set Floating w/Selenite

7 chakra rough crystal set with a selenite bar in a floating case. The case can be opened and the crystals removed or re-arranged. The case is 7 inch x 3.5 inch x 0.75 inch. Root - Red Jasper Sacral - Carnelian Solar Plexus - Gold Tiger Eye Heart - Green Aventurine Throat - Lapis Lazuli Third Eye - Amethyst Crown - Clear Quartz **Note: Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz can work with multiple chakras. Amethyst - Third Eye or Crown Lapis Lazuli - Throat or Third eye Quartz (clear) - any chakra If you wish to change the arrangement you can.

Item Number: 9412

Price: $29.95

Available: 6