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HEM Erotic 20 Stick

HEM Erotic 20 Stick

Erotic Incense has a warm sweet floral fragrance. This incense is used to create a sensual atmosphere and increase sexual energy of passion during intimacy. Unleash you desires and fantasies with this seductive incense.

Erotic Incense has a warm sweet floral fragrance. This incense is used to create a sensual atmosphere and increase sexual energy of passion during intimacy. Unleash you desires and fantasies with this seductive incense. Hold the stick in your hands and say the following: By the burning of this incense may sexual desire be increased, my sexual flames be enhanced, may desire and passion and lust blossom forth. You may wish to call upon higher powers, deities, angelic beings, etc. to strengthen the energy. Light the end of the incense and let the flame burn until the end is glowing red then blow out the flame and allow the incense to burn in an appropriate incense holder. Caution, tip is HOT!

Item Number: 9502

Price: $2.49

Available: 28