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7 Chakra Double Terminated Set

7 Chakra Double Terminated Set

This is a set of crystals for cleansing, activating, and working with the chakras. There are seven crystals, one for each chakra. Each crystal is approximately 1.25 inches long, double terminated.

Root - Red Jasper
Sacral - Rose Quartz
Solar Plexus - Gold Tiger Eye
Heart - Green Aventurine
Throat - Sodalite
Third Eye - Amethyst
Crown - Clear Quartz

Clear quartz can work with any chakra.

In this set,
Sodalite can work with throat or third eye
Amethyst can work with Third Eye or Crown

Clear Quartz could work with throat, third eye, or crown.

Rose Quartz is often associated with the heart chakra but it can also work with the sacral chakra - especially when there are issues of self love, accepting your sexual nature, etc.

Using a symbol from Kaleidoscopic Reiki, the energy of each crystal has been enhanced and super charged!

Item Number: 9536

Price: $24.95

Available: 5